The Breath Letter - #18

Dear Breather,

How has your breathing been in 2024?

Though I’m not the biggest fan of new year intentions, turning conscious breathing into a micropractice can make a huge difference.

So maybe take a moment and check in with yourself:

If I would change something, anything, in relation to my breath this year. What would that be?

The Breath

To start the year off, instead of one exercise, how about twenty?

It’s time to launch the Breathlife Video Course!

All recorded Live in the jungle of Costa Rica.

The video course is basically a summary of all my breathwork knowledge to help you on your way. It hasn’t officially launched yet but as loyal Breath Letter readers I wanted to give you all a gift…

With the code: 30BREATHLETTER you can get a 30% discount on the entire course.

Get access to the course here!

And don’t worry, I won’t leave you empty handed…if you follow this link you can try out one of the videos.

The Insights

A big part of my recent Cranio-Sacral therapy training has been about containment.
Now technically, containment means “keeping something harmful under control or within its limits”, which is kind of the exact opposite of what I strongly believe is what we shouldn’t be doing. Things should be allowed to come out!
But what I missed was that sometimes, allowing things to come out straight away can lead to not fully engaging with them because one has found an “easy” way to let them out, the path of least resistance. And by doing so never allowing for the full discharge.

So instead of always allowing something to come through straight away, it can help to “stay with it”, allowing an energy, sensation or emotion to build up a little, keeping it in place, so it can first come to its full, nuanced, expression before being released.

No communication is also communication
Some weeks ago we bought this picture:

A strong reminder that everything we do is a form of communication - even the things we don’t do.

The Content

Mind blown
What a podcast! I recommended this to so many people. So far at the cutting edge of hardcore science that it starts to intersect with philosophy and deep spirituality.
I had to really focus to follow at some points, but well worth the time.

Don’t be Doug
“I’ll be your Doug” - the other day I was watching The Hangover (one of those days…) and this scene made me chuckle but also kicked off some reflective thoughts.

When am I a being a “Doug”, to who and why?

When do you want or need something so bad that you are completely willing to abandon yourself just to get that?

Understanding Nervous System Dysregulation
The words “Nervous System Regulation” seem to be very popular at the moment. Maybe it’s just my algorithms, but I’m seeing it everywhere. And mostly copied from each other without actually explaining what that means.
Well this video does explain it…properly.

The Experiences

26th of January - Breathwork & Somatics - @Soulstice - West London
Very happy to be starting a regular practice in this space.
A great energy in an intimate setting.
Tickets here

12th of February - Breathwork & Sound Bath @ Clapton - London
Excited for this 2 hour breathing and sound immersion!
A collaborative event with the Bless crew who will bring their bowls, crystals and cooking skills for a nice gentle meal post session.
Tickets here

13th of February - Pause to Perform - Breathwork and Conscious Conversations

An event specifically for Revenue Leaders from high-growth Start-Ups.

Tickets here

15th of February @ SOMA hOMe - Breathwork Class
My regular Breathwork Odyssey session in collaboration with The Psychedelic Society.
An evening full of connected breathing, movement and music!
Perfect for those who want feel good in bigger groups.
Tickets here

22nd of February @ SOMA hOme - Breathwork & Somatic Release
Join us for an evening of breathing, music, movement and release!
This session will include more somatic exercises and is suitable for this interested in getting even more in touch with their system.
Tickets here


The Breath Letter - #19


The Breath Letter - #17