The Breath Letter - #21

Dear Breather,

“If the path before you is clear, you’re probably on someone else’s.” -  Carl Jung

When was the last time you threw yourself a serious curveball, stepping into the unknown?

What would it take to make that first step and how could I support that process?

A picture from our last session at Bless Warehouse.

The Breath

The Unknown Breath

Open your Spotify - go to your “Liked songs”.

Then close your eyes…and randomly click on a song!

Find a rhythm and start breathing along, fully surrender, don’t over think and see where it wants to take you.

Keep on breathing and find your path within the song…

The Insights

The Embodiment Paradox
An observation of truly embodied people:
They seem to carry and hold an energy way bigger than what is their physical body.

It's unbound by both internal and external restrictions. Not held in place by fear and resistance.

Maybe true Embodiment means realising that your body is made of the same material, and works according to the same principles, as everything else around us?
So therefore true embodiment is realising there is only one, unbound, body of which you’re part.

Dichotomy transcendence - Spectrum Thinking
I’ve never been a fan of “either, or”, “this or that”, or any diagnoses for that matter.

I believe it’s way more helpful to think of anything as something dynamic, that’s moving more or less on one of many spectrums.

So what if you would check in with your own fulcrums, the key moments, body parts, feelings and emotions around which your life evolves, and you would imagine it on a spectrum.
What would be on the other side of that spectrum? What would move the needle +1 or -1?

The Content

Steven Ebbers on Breathing and Experimentation
A podcast episode for Soul Kitchen. In conversation with Jasper Mutsaerts we spoke about:
What breathwork actually is, how it could potentially help you and some case studies from the upcoming Vision Retreats.

How can I make my parents understand how much they’ve hurt me?
This one hit home! Just watch…

Dan Siegel - Interconnected
I use the work of Dan Siegel a lot in my work. In this episode he talks more about the integration of Self, identity and belonging.

28th of March @ SOMA hOme - Breathwork & Somatic Release

Perfect for those who have some more experience or want to dive a little deeper.

We’ll have 2.5hrs for this session giving us time for more somatic practices and interaction.

At the heart of this session will be exploration, experimentation and the tension between the known and unknown; safety and resistance. Using the body as our entry point.
Tickets here

3rd of April @ Bless Warehouse - Clapton - Breathwork + free Breathe Card Deck!

A stunning, homely, venue in which we have loads of space to work with.

A nice and intimate session with loads of individual attention.

Also comes with a free card deck!

Tickets here


The Breath Letter #22


The Breath Letter - #20